Cloudflare workers migration services

Why migrate apps to cloudflare workers?

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You only pay for what you use.


Edge nodes deliver the necessary functionality at much faster rates than traditionally hosted and manually scaled out applications and services.


Cloudflare ensures the security of the infrastructure. With >25% of the Internet hosted by cloudflare, they are a reliable and trusted party.

Easy to scale

Cloudflare workers can easily scale up and scale down with zero startup time required to scale.

  • Database migration services

    Database migration services

    Kloudone provides database migration from a variety of proprietary databases to open source databases. We have migrated hundreds of large scale apps from Oracle -> Postgres, SQLServer -> Postgres. Oracle -> MySQL and more.

    Case Studies

  • Serverless migration to Cloudflare workers

    Serverless migration to Cloudflare workers

    Kloudone provides Cloudlare worker migrations from existing apps to achieve the following benefits: low cost, runtime performance, security and easy to scale.

    Case Studies

  • Serverless migration with KNative

    Serverless migration with KNative

    Kloudone provides migrations of legacy applications to KNative.

    Case Studies

  • Cloud security

    Cloud security

    Kloudone provides Cloud security services including:

    • automating pen testing using a variety of tools
    • visibility and compliance reporting with OSQuery and Fleetdm deployment
    • Open source CISM deployment with

    Case Studies

  • K8s Managed Database Deployment

    K8s Managed Database Deployment

    Kloudone provides database migration from a variety of proprietary databases to open source databases. We have migrated hundreds of large scale apps from Oracle -> Postgres, SQLServer -> Postgres. Oracle -> MySQL and more.

    Learn more

    Case Studies

Get in touch

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